Saturday 10 September 2016

On to Sedan for the finale

We left the hotel around 8.40 the intention for me to lead the way but unfortunately myself and Steve became separated as Steve's Garmin route failed to load properly. For some reason mine kept taking me off the road, choosing the  shortest route possible and during this time I made a u turn and signalled with my hand my intention to take a small side road where I ended up coming back to the main road again, and after looked in the mirror and couldn't see Steve at all. I looped round again but no sign of him, waited, tried to contact him by phone but then assumed he had continued on. 

Shortly after I was routed off another side road that eventually became rougher and gnarly as its rise became steeper. I continued on to the point where I couldn't easily turn around and the road became rougher as it wound through forest tracks with a steep drop. Eventually I rejoined the main road way up high on the hillside.

After riding for an hour or so that included a ride over the Col de la Schlucht I finally met Steve again at a lay by just outside Epinal. We stopped in the centre for a drink where Ian and Nadia were sat outside and tour leader Steve John and Paul arrived. Shortly after Steve decided to ride on, but feeling tired and a bit shaken by the mornings events I felt the need to stay behind and calm down a little.

Cafe in Epinal. Steve, Paul
And Nadia.

I decided to ride with Steve the tour leader who was riding with Paul and John and calmed down and started to enjoy a good day just tagging on behind. My Garmin  route woes seemed to have sorted out now too after a quick fuel stop  where but my credit card was declined yet again at the fuel pump (similar to yesterday) but luckily there was a manned kiosk and barrier arrangement and my card was accepted there.

The usual French roads were the order of the day the temperature rising to 29 degrees as we passed St Mihiel and I recognised the cafe I stopped at near the Meuse river with Peter in 2010. It was good to just keep moving and keep the air flowing through my jacket. The four of us  stopped for lunch in  Neufchateau  (ham and cheese omelette). Where I was able to talk with John about his 6000 mile ride round trip down to Iraq and back where he was working back in 2013. Interesting adventure! I can't wait to read his ride report on UKGSER forum when I get back.

Later as we stopped for a drink and Ice Cream in a small village just after Verdun this lady approached me saying 'there you are I have been looking for you' in English. Confused, I stopped to talk to her and it turns out she runs a biker b&b in the town and thrust some contact cards into my hand. We all chatted to her for a while as if seems she is well l known on the a horizons unlimited site too.

After a second fuel stop at a supermarket ready for tomorrow's ride to Calais (my card was accepted here) we arrived in Sedan around 5pm. I met up with Steve at the hotel if turns out he had a straight run down and arrived around 3pm.

Hotel Le Chateau Fort, is literally part of an old Fortress. Most impressed with this hotel, one BMW Motorrad use for a lot on their tours. We all met outside for beers and the final group meal and wine included in the price. Good menu choices, I went for the crayfish ravioli to start and the lamb for main.

Steve the leader  about to make his speech who went through and discussed each of us in turn, very good and it turned out to be his birthday tomorrow so some of us joined him for beers in the bar later.

Ian's wild eyes. LOL.

We all said our official good byes as some of us will leave early for our return home.

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