Thursday 8 September 2016

The Meiringen five pass ride out and Rhone Glacier.

A slightly later start today 8.36! Weather looks good, sun peaking through the clouds we headed out through Innertkirchin a lovely bit of road winding up through the valley from Meringen, forest roads toward the Susten pass in the opposite direction as we did yesterday following a group of Harley riders loaded down with camping gear. The rear slip on pipes on the guys bike in front of me was always millimetres from scraping the road, that's how tight the bends are in places, pleased I'm riding a GS these days the closest I get is my boot hitting the floor occasionally.

 After a few miles myself and Steve had enough cruising and passed the Harley's as we started our ascent on to the Susten pass, stopping briefly to view the mountain, before heading on to the Furka pass, today riding it in the opposite direction. Lovely ride, no real traffic to speak of, a steady pace rolling on and off the throttle as we turned in and out of hairpins climbing higher and higher keeping within the apex and white line to be safe and taking in the view of the valley below and the Grimsel pass opposite. 

 Before the ride I had located the Rhone Glacier on my Garmin and added it to the route we were taking, and I was surprised to find the Garmin took me to the Cafe near hotel Belvedere at the summit of the Furka we visited yesterday. I was puzzled at first and Steve didn't fancy hanging around (he did a lot of Ice climbing in his youth apparently) and suggested he meet me at the bottom of the Furka. So I parked up and went to try and find the Glacier. 

The Rhone Glacier.

I noticed a small turnstile near the Cafe. Ahh I thought and attempted to get through after changing Euros into a Swiss Francs to get the right amoung in coins 3 Euros to gain access. After doing this and with instructions in Swiss German  I couldn't understand, I went through unaided to be confronted by a mountain wall in front and nothing much else. As it turned out the turnstile for the glacier is accessed through the shop and the one I went through was for something else I never found out. The lady was amused when she found someone to translate and she refunded my money but I had to pay an extra franc to go under the Glacier and visit the Ice cave.

The view across the Rhone valley. Just sublime.

The Ice cave was amazing wort every Franc. Just incredibly cold and blue ice made of frozen water that fell millions of years ago.

I couldn't resist licking it! Luckily my tongue didn't stick and I became trapped down there until that lady came down to rescue me with a cup of warm water ha!

Deeper under the Glacier I went, quite spooky on my own as I walked the boards into the Grotto passing a crevice section dripping quite a lot of water.

Great experience, though as I climbed back up to the cafe and my bike it was sad to see the marker boards with dates on where the Glacier was over the last 20 years. It had receded a lot, I doubt there will be much of it left in 50 years if any.

On my return to the cafe I met up with Mark (Ducati Multistrada) and Steve (GSA LC) from our tour group. We rode on to the top of the Nufenen pass together. These chaps were scratching and having a lot of fun. I was pleased to say I managed to pin to the tail of the Ducati and interesting to see they go wide on the switchback hairpins using the opposite side of the road where I prefer to keep it safe and go tight. The boxer engine with its great engine braking allowed me to do this as only on the straights did the Ducati pull away a bit.

At the top of the Nufenen we parted ways as I saw a text from Steve saying he was waiting for me at the top of the Grimsel. I think Steve had gone off route a little as the Grimsel was scheduled for later and I desperately needed fuel, down to the last 30 miles so I continued on down the valley as I thought Steve was ahead. 

View on the top of the Nufenen pass.

Eventually we contacted each other Steve was behind me so I waited for him by the side I the road near Airola just before the turning for the Gotthard pass.

Up and over the Gothard, this is a fast pass, the last time was here was in 2010 with my Harley low rider and Peter.

St Gotthard Pass. Views of Ariola and into Italy.

Myself and Steve the looped back round to ride the Furkapass an then this time in Gletsch turned right to take the Grimsel. 
Saw quite a few Marmots by the side of the road. The Grimsel is another great pass an we stopped for an Ice cream where a few of us met David, Kevin, Mark , GSA Steve and myself and Steve.

Steve needed to visit a bank so rode on ahead to Meringen and I took the bridge to the lake island hotel at the foot of the Grimsel.

Took a few photos and our tour leader arrived (also called Steve) with John and Paul. They were stopping at the hotel for an Ice Cream so I declined their offer to join them as I wanted to try and find the Reichenbach falls, but not before we took a group selfie with my camera and selfie stick ( will upload when I return home).

I never found the Reichenbach falls. Apparently you need train to get to them but this one was quite spectacular just outside Meringen.

Met Steve later at the hotel and we sunk a few beers together chatting to Ian and Nadia. Great day, Steve on form as usual telling his joke about the guy flying a plane upside down with an unconscious flight instructor. Hilarious.

Fantastic days riding! Yee Haaa

Rhone Glacier

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