Tuesday 6 September 2016

Ride around Mont Blanc (Monte Bianco)

Italian breakfast selection.

Sun on the mountain peak viewed from hotel car park.

After a light breakfast, we set off with lighter panniers at about 8.30 again to ride the mountain passes around Mont Blanc in a loop back to the hotel Berthod in Courmayeur. A bit of traffic as we headed in the direction of Aosta and then turned off on to the  Grand St Bernard pass (Switzerland) and had a great time chasing each other up the mountain with Mont Blanc visible directly ahead. Amazing road, really fast this one, and very light of traffic too. Almost had the pass to ourselves. While at the cafe on the summit we ordered a hot chocolate each John and Paul (GS riders on the tour) joined us before we all headed off to the next pass the Col de la Forclaz.

We stopped for lunch on Forclaz right at the summit. Very pretty. Nice cafe so we ordered an Omelette each. This was Switzerland and bill came to almost 20 euros each and that's without chips! What's going on? Superb ride though!!

Alpine water, look how clear this is ..

Part of the Mont Blanc range. And off again ....

Somewhere  between France and Italy stunning vista.

Steve brought us down from Forclaz and just after Les Saises ski resort his Garmin turned right in to a side road, yet mine wanted to go straight on and i noticed the mileage increase by about 10 miles but we continued down through small villages and narrow roads. I pulled over to take photos and stopped the engine I could hear cow bells in the valley below , an Incredible ride and not much out of our way either. This took us on to Les Grand Motets ski resort and then crossed back into France again just after the famous resort of Chamonix and on through Flumet.

We then headed for the next pass - The Cormet de Roseland.

Me at the Cormet de Rosaland. I really enjoyed this pass, fast and smooth with an azure blue lake at the top.
Steve bought a cured sausage near the top of the pass and we sampled some of the wares on offer there at the food stand.

On to the Petit St Bernard pass again this time without the rain from yesterday and a totally different experience. We could ride its twisties properly and see Mont Blanc at the fuel stop near the top of the pass.

Mont Blanc viewed from Petit (little) St Bernard or San Bernadino on the Italian side.

Headed back to the hotel, all in good time for around 6pm. Quick shower and change and off to a recommended, very popular restaurant with John and Paul, served by a very comedic Italian waiter with a great sense of humour. Good food    Turned in earlier tonight as tomorrow we head to Meringen near Interlaken in Switzerland riding some more famous passes en route.

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