Tuesday 13 September 2016

Tour Review ... Photos and Videos

Initially, I wondered if I had done the right thing booking on a tour with a tour company after being used to trips away by myself  and with mates (Lindsay, Mark, Andy etc). Would the tour be too restrictive, overly expensive and poor value for money? Knowing that Steve had been with World Of BMW on several occasions convinced me to give it a go, and since riding the Alps wouldn't be a 'get off the bike sight-seeing tour', purely riding focused it ought to be worth the price as decent hotels would be guaranteed, along with parking facilities and good food and absolutely no camping for a change! The other obvious benefit could be meeting other like minded bikers and making new friends too.

Below are are more 'glossy' higher resolution photos of the trip. Click on each photo to enlarge. 

Click here to jump to the GoPro Video Section or watch the 5 minute music montage below:

Cathedral in Laon (they are round the other side Steve!)
I wasn't disappointed. The trip was simply fantastic. Well chosen Alpine roads, routes and mileages. A really informative helpful and attentive, friendly tour leader in Steve Freeman, a good bunch of guys (and Nadia of course), quality hotels, excellent food (three 3 course evening meals included), good wine and beer, and plenty of good company and of course riding with Steve again, the first time since 2011 and spending time with him despite our few GPS niggles (as is usual whoever we ride with) was an absolute pleasure I'd be happy to repeat over and over again. A total of 2,409 miles were covered home to home all in really good weather, mostly on roads that were quieter than I would have ever expected for the Alps. Early September is without doubt the best time to visit the Alps by Motorcycle.

If you are in fear of joining a restrictive organised tour having to ride behind a leader at his/her pace then don't be. These tours really don't work like that, you simply ride the provided route however you wish, with whoever you wish, even on your own if you prefer.

Views of Lake Annecy

 The first real pass - Col de la Madelaine

Mont Cenis Pass. This wasn't on the route at all. While marvelling at the scenery and having a blast, I missed the turning for the Col de l'Iseran  right about here on the hairpin and rattled up the mountain past the lake and in to Italy where I passed armed border guards before I realised my error. Took me ages to re-trace and find where I should have turned off, it wasn't signposted, and my itinerary was a bit vague but kind of pleased about the mistake as I found this incredible mountain lake.

The Col De L'Iseran, I think the highest pass on the tour. The wind was howling up here, the cloud coming in, low visibility and very cold.Just enough time to get off my bike and take this photo before riding back down again.

The Other side of the pass on the way down revealed Val d'Isere - the famous ski resort.

The very pretty Courmayeur in Italy. Our stay for two nights at Hotel Berthod.

Ian washing his socks!

Steve and yours truly at the top of the Gran San Bernadino Pass

Forclaz, in Switzerland

Stopping for a very expensive Omelette on the Forclaz Pass in Switzerland.

Ride around Mont Blanc. Part of the mountain range not far from Chamonix.

Steve took a detour here off the route my Garmin was taking for some reason. The mileage increased by 10 miles so clearly it was not on the planned route, yet we found it to be one of the best roads that day. Absolutely gorgeous narrow windy country lane. We approached just outside the Ski resort of Les Saisies the D2188 on the way down to Beaufort. Couldn't resist stopping to take photos of the cows with bells around their necks.

On the Cormet de Roseland 

... where Steve bought his Sausage !

Views of Mont Blanc from the Petit St Bernard Pass. Late afternoon  on the way back to Courmayeur. This was the top of the pass on the other side of the road from the automated petrol station.

On the way down from the Petit St Bernard Pass.

On the sublime  Furkapass ...

Met John and Paul on the Sustenpass.

Steve at the right edge of the picture

The Rhone Glacier, just off the Furkapass.

 View from the Glacier.

Paid 4 Swiss francs to visit under the glacier and the Ice cave. Well worth it!!

Top of the Nufenen Pass after the ride with GSA Steve and Ducati Mark.

View from the top of the St Gotthard Pass

On the Grimsel Pass I crossed the bridge near the hotel in the middle of the lake near the dam and met up with Paul, John, and Steve our tour leader. It had to be a selfie.
Waterfall near Meiringen

Hotel Victoria in Meiringen, Switzerland ( 2 nights)

Lake Thunersee

It's 'Paulo' and he's from Sardinia!
View of the Grand Ballon on the Routes des Cretes in the Vosges.

Me and Kevin a coffee stop near Col du Bonhomme

Epinal Centre. Met up with Ian and Nadia

Room at Hotel Le Chateau Fort, Sedan. Our last night. It really was a fort !

Window view from hotel

After ride drinks at the fort in Sedan

David, Steve, Ian and Kevin old mates from previous tours.

Farewell Meal

GoPro Videos

Select 720p HD on your YouTube player Settings for best results.

Ride up the Grand St Bernard, starts with the Little St Bernard - with music (8 min: 40 sec)

A Ride through the Aosta Valley, Italy on the way back to Courmayeur 
with familiar music (3 min 38 sec)

Furkapass, Sustenpass & Grimselpass (14 min, 39 sec)

With Steve on our ride around Mont Blanc (4 min, 49 sec). 
Along the Arve valley between Argentiere and Chamonix on the D1506.

Solo climb up Col de Mont Cenis then up and over the Col de l'Iseran (14 min, 32 sec)

With Steve the Climb up the Grand St Bernard Pass.
Along Thunersee (14 min, 38 sec)

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